Making Good Men, Better Men
NO. 768
A.F. & A.M.
Plano Lodge Scholarship Application
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Belonging, Brotherhood, Growth
About Plano Lodge
We accept men from all walks of life who demonstrate upright conduct and acknowledge a belief in God. We are a Fraternal order inculcating the precepts of equality, charity, tolerance, fellowship, and brotherly love among it members.
Our Lodge provides enlightenment through Masonic degrees and education which endeavor to strengthen and improve the character of the individual man; enhancing his moral and spiritual outlook, so he may adopt a life exemplifying the principals of personal responsibility and live a life of integrity.
As Masons we strive to promote community and human welfare and inspire acts promoting benevolence, charity, and good will toward all mankind; translating Masonic principles and conviction into personal actions ultimately making the world in which they live a better place.
Interested in Joining?
Calendar Of Events
Visitors (non-masons), if you are interested in our fraternity and would like to begin the process of joining, we invite visitors to meet us at the Lodge which is located on the second floor of our building at 1414 1/2 J Ave in Plano, Tx. Visitation will occur on every 2nd, 3rd and 4th Wednesday of each month from 6:00pm – 7:00pm. If you plan on visiting, please let us know by email. If you have any questions about our fraternity feel free to Contact Us.
January 2023
01-04-23 — Stated Meeting, Dinner at 5:30 pm, Meeting at 7:00 pm.
01-11-23 — Fellow Craft Degree, Dinner at 6:00 pm, Degree at 7:00 pm.
01-14-23 — “B” Certificate work. Meet at the M & L – 12:30 to 3:00 pm.
01-17-23 — Presenting the Apparition Expedition Performance for the City of Plano Conference at 6:00 pm.
01-18-23 — Lodge will be dark for Grand Lodge Annual Communication which is from 01-19-23 through 01-21-23. However, some of the brothers who are in town will meet at 7:00 pm for food and fellowship at Cruzito’s Mexican Restaurant, 2300 14th St., Plano along the side of the Tom Thumb located at 14th and Jupiter.
01-25-23 — MWSA Meeting at Allen Lodge # 1435, 101 N. Allen Drive, Allen, Texas. All Plano Brothers are welcome to attend. Brother Larry Fitzpatrick will present a lecture on the Fellowcraft degree. Dinner will be at 6:30 pm.
01-28-23 — Breakfast with Brothers, 10:00 am in the M & L. Plano Adopt-a-Highway (street cleanup) service project, 11:00 am.
“C” Certificate work — Openings and closings. Meet at the M & L – 12:30 to 3:00 pm.
02-01-23 — Stated Meeting has been Cancelled due to the ice storm.
02-04-23 — “C” Certificate work, Questions & Answers. Meet at the M & L – 12:30 to 3:00 pm.
02-08-23 — Fellow Craft Degree Practice. Dinner at 6:00 pm. Practice at 7:00 pm.
02-11-23 — “B” Certificate work. Meet at the M & L – 12:30 to 3:00 pm.
02-15-23 — Fellow Craft Proficiency and Fellow Craft Degree Practice. Dinner at 6:00 pm. Proficiency and practice at 7:00 pm.
02-18-23 — “A” Certificate work. Meet at the M & L – 12:30 to 3:00 pm.
02-22-23 — Fellow Craft Degree. — Postponed due to COVID. Those who are healthy can meet for Dinner at 6:00 pm.
02-25-23 — “C” Certificate work — Openings and closings. Meet at the M & L – 12:30 to 3:00 pm. Cancelled due to COVID.
03-01-23 — Stated Meeting. Dinner at 5:30 pm, Meeting at 7:00 pm. We will receive the DDGM for District 9-B.
03-04-23 — “C” Certificate work, Questions & Answers. Meet at the M & L – 12:30 to 3:00 pm.
03-08-23 — Fellow Craft Degree. Dinner at 6:00 pm, Degree at 7:00 pm.
03-11-23 — “B” Certificate work. Meet at the M & L – 12:30 to 3:00 pm.
03-15-23 — Fellow Craft Catechism Practice. Dinner at 6:00 pm, Catechism Practice at 7:00 pm.
03-18-23 — “A” Certificate work. Meet at the M & L – 12:30 to 3:00 pm.
03-22-23 — Master Mason’s Degree Practice. Dinner at 6:00 pm, Practice at 7:00 pm.
03-25-23 — “C” Certificate work — Openings and Closings. Meet at the M & L – 10:00 am. to 12:00 noon
03-25-23 — Texas Forever Fest. Plano Lodge will man a booth by the Gazebo next to Downtown Plano. We will introduce the public to Masonry and direct them to the Lodge for a tour.
03-27-23 — Investigation Standards and Procedures Education Program. Lebanon Lodge No. 837, 6983 Main St., Frisco. All Plano Lodge Brothers, please attend to learn about investigating new candidates for Masonry. Dinner at 6:30 pm. Program at 7:00 pm.
03-29-23 — Family Fun Outing at Pinstack, 635 Central Expressway, Allen, Texas 75013. We will meet there at 6:00 pm. This is our 5th Wednesday, Masonic family social event. Come enjoy time with Mason’s at refreshment.
04-01-23 — “C” Certificate work — Questions & Answers. Meet at the M & L – 12:30 until 3:00 pm.
04-05-23 — Stated Meeting. Dinner at 5:30 pm, Meeting at 7:00 pm.
04-08-23 — Esoteric Study. 12:30 – 3:00 pm in the M & L.
04-12-23 — MM Degree Practice. Dinner at 6:00 pm, Practice at 7:00 pm.
04-15-23 — “A” Certificate work. Meet at the M & L – 12:30 -3:00 pm.
04-19-23 — Plano Lodge # 768 will host the monthly MWSA meeting. The speaker will be Brother Larry Fitzpatrick who will present a lecture on the Master Mason’s Degree. This presentation is open to Master Masons only.
04-22-23 — Forum and Exam 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. This will be held at East Fork Lodge, 508 Parker Rd., Wylie, Texas 75098.
04-26-23 — MM Degree Practice. Dinner at 6:00 pm, Practice at 7:00 pm.
04-29-23 — “C” Certificate work — Openings & Closings. Meet at the M & L – 12:30 until 3:00 pm.
05-03-23 — Stated Meeting. Dinner at 5:30 pm, Meeting at 7:00 pm.
05-06-23 — “C” Certificate work — Questions & Answers. Meet at the M & L – 12:30 until 3:00 pm.
05-10-23 — Master Mason’s Degree. Dinner at 6:00 pm, Degree at 7:00 pm.
05-13-23 — “B” Certificate work. Meet at the M & L – 12:30 until 3:00 pm.
05-13-23 — Festive Board! — 8:00 pm. Featuring R.W. Brad Billings. This is open to all Master Masons. For information and to purchase tickets, click below.
Click to Purchase Ticket
05-17-23 — Fellow Craft Proficiency Exam. Dinner at 6:00 pm, Proficiency at 7:00 pm.
05-20-23 — “C” Certificate work — Openings & Clsings. Meet at the M & L – 12:30 until 3:00 pm.
05-24-23 — Meet at Lodge for fellowship and greeting visitors. Dinner at a local restaurant afterward.
05-26-23 — District 9 Spring Briscoe Workshop. Meet at Allen Lodge # 1435 at 6:30 pm for dinner. The workshop will follow. Located at 101 N. Allen Drive, Allen, Texas.
05-31-23 — Lodge will be dark.
Dallas MWSA will meet at Dallas Scottish Rite for Children — 2222 Welborn St., Dallas 75219 from 6:30 – 9:00 pm.
06-07-23 — Stated Meeting. Dinner at 5:30 pm. Meeting at 7:00 pm. Election of officers.
06-10-23 — “B” Certificate work. Meet at the M & L – 12:30 until 3:00 pm.
06-14-23 — Master Mason’s Degree. Dinner at 6:00 pm. Degree at 7:00 pm.
06-17-23 — “A” Certificate work. Meet at the M & L – 12:30 -3:00 pm.
06-21-23 — EA Degree Practice and/or Practice Opening and Closing All Four Lodges. No Dinner. Practice at 6:30 pm.
06-24-23 — “C” Certificate work — Openings & Closings. Meet at the M & L – 12:30 until 3:00 pm.
06-28-23 — Awards Night for 50 & 60-year Masons. Dinner at 6:00 pm. Awards Ceremony at 7:00 pm.
07-05-23 — Stated Meeting. Dinner at 5:30 pm. Meeting at 7:00 pm.
Awards Night for 25 & 40-year Masons.
Master Mason’s Lodge of Sorrow: Call to Labor and Close.
07-08-23 — “B” Certificate work on the EA Degree. 12:30 – 3:00 pm. Meet in the M&L downstairs.
07-12-23 — Called Meeting. Meeting at 7:00 pm. Dinner in Downtown Plano afterward.
07-15-23 — Installation of New Officers: Open MM Lodge and Call from Labor to Refreshment at 8:00 am. Installation at 10:00 am. Call MM Lodge from Refreshment to Labor and Close following Installation.
07-17-23 — Open a Master Mason’s Lodge of Sorrow and Call from Labor. MM LOS at 6:30 pm. Dinner in Downtown Plano afterward.
07-19-23 — Plano Lodge is Dark. However, please join us for the MWSA Meeting that will be held at East Fork Masonic Lodge. Dinner at 6:30 pm. Meeting at 7:15 pm.
07-22-23 — “C” Certificate work. Meet in the M & L at 12:30 pm.
07-26-23 — Leadership Meeting. Open to all Lodge members. Meeting at 6:30 pm. Dinner in Downtown Plano afterward.
07-29-23 — “A” Certificate work. Meet in the M & L at 12:30 pm
08-02-23 — Stated Meeting. The first meeting of the new Masonic year. Dinner at 5:30 pm in the
M & L. Meeting at 7:00 pm.
08-05-23 — Forum and Exam at Duck Creek Lodge in Garland. Breakfast at 8:00 am, Forum at 9:00 am, and Exam at noon.
08-09-23 — EA Degree. Dinner at 6:00 pm in the M & L. Degree at 7:00 pm.
08-12-23 — Adopt-a-Highway (Plano Street Cleanup) Service Project. Meet at the M & L at 8:00 am.
08-16-23 — Education Night. Brother Bob Jensen will speak on the topic of the “Oconus Texas Lodge”. Dinner at 6:00 pm. Presentation at 7:00 pm.
08-18-23 —Texas Masonicon at the Ft. Worth Masonic Temple. Festive Board on Friday Evening ($100.00).
08-19-23 — Masonicon at the Ft. Worth Masonic Temple. Masonic Education all day Saturday ($65.00).
08-23-23 — Family Fellowship & Festive Night at the Bavarian Grill. Meal at 6:00 pm.
08-26-23 — Forum and Exam at Dallas Lodge #760. Breakfast at 8:00 am, Forum at 9:00 am, and Exam at noon.
08-30-23 — Leadership Meeting. All Plano MM are welcome. Dinner at 6:00 pm. Meeting at 7:00 pm.
09-06-23 — Stated Meeting. Dinner at 5:30 pm in the M & L. Meeting at 7:00 pm.
09-09-23 — “B” Certificate work. 12:30 – 3:00 pm. Meet in the M&L downstairs.
09-13-23 — Education Night. Brother Cody Cocroft (Chairman – GLoT Education Committee) presenting on Masonic Etiquette, Decorum, and Protocol. Dinner at 6:00 pm. Presentation at 7:00 pm.
09-16-23 — Adopt-a-Highway (Plano Street Cleanup) Service Project. Meet at the M & L at 9:00 am. Breakfast Included.
09-16-23 — “A” Certificate work. 12:30 – 3:00 pm. Meet in the M&L downstairs.
09-20-23 — MM Proficiency – Brother Stromberg. Dinner at 6 pm, Proficiency at 7 pm.
09-23-23 — “Practice Opening & Closing the four lodges”. 12:30 – 3:00 pm. Meet in the M&L downstairs.
09-27-23 — Leadership Meeting. All Plano MM are welcome. Dinner at 6 pm, Meeting at 7 pm.
09-30-23 — Certificate work (TBD). 12:30 – 3:00 pm. Meet in the M&L downstairs.
10-03-23 — “Take the Traveling Gavel” from East Fork Lodge #650, Wylie TX. Dinner at 6:00 pm, Meeting at 7:00 pm.
10-04-23 — Stated Meeting. Dinner at 5:30 pm in the M & L. Meeting at 7:00 pm.
10-09-23 — E. A. Degree Practice at 7:00 pm.
10-11-23 — E. A. Degree. Dinner at 6:00 pm, Degree at 7:00 pm.
10-18-23 — MWSA will meet at Plano Lodge. Dinner at 6:30 pm, Meeting at 7:30 pm.
10-25-23 — Leadership Meeting. All Plano MM are welcome. Dinner at 6 pm, Meeting at 7 pm.
10-27-23 — Apparition Expedition. Event prep starts at 4:30 pm.
10-28-27 — Rest in Plano (RIP Fest) Event. Activities TBD from 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm.
11-01-23 — Stated Meeting. Dinner at 5:30 pm in the M & L. Meeting at 7:00 pm.
11-04-23 — Adopt-a-Highway (Plano Street Cleanup) Service Project. Meet at the M & L at 9:00 am. Breakfast Included.
11-04-23 — “C” Certificate work. Meet in the M & L at 12:30 pm.
11-08-23 — Ritual or Degree Practice. Dinner at 6:00 pm, Practice at 7:00 pm.
11-11-23 — “B” Certificate. 12:30 – 3:00 pm. Meet in the M&L downstairs.
11-15-23 — Fellow Craft Degree. Dinner at 6:00 pm, Degree at 7:00 pm.
11-18-23 — Master Mason’s Degree Practice. 12:30 – 3:00 pm. Meet in the M&L downstairs.
11-22-23 — Lodge will not meet. Happy Thanksgiving.
11-29-23 — Education Night — School of Instruction with District Instructor, Keith Stephens. This will be a district-wide education event—dinner at 6:00 pm, Presentation at 7:00 pm.
12-02-23 — “C” Certificate work. Meet in the M & L at 12:30 pm.
12-06-23 — Stated Meeting. Dinner at 5:30 pm in the M & L. Meeting at 7:00 pm.
12-09-23 — “B” Certificate. 12:30 – 3:00 pm. Meet in the M&L downstairs.
12-13-23 — Christmas Soiree — White Elephant Gift Exchange — RSVP Tickets Required. Catered Meal at 6:00 pm.
12-20-23 — Education Night – Brother Steve Reed will present “Are They Sound in Mind” an education to help Brothers better assess if a candidate is sound in mind and members. Dinner at 6:00 pm, Presentation at 7:00 pm.
12-27-23 — Saint John the Divine Day Get Together. Meet at 6:00 PM at the Lodge for dessert with friends and brothers. Those who want to eat dinner afterward can join us next door at the Fillmore Pub for food, etc.